Encrypted WordPress / phpBB Backups
Because backups contain all your sensitive information, its smart to encrypt any sql backups.. and while we're at it, also encrypt any site backups.
This simple shell-script is a useful and easy way to securely backup your wordpress and/or phpBB site files and database without confusing you. Just generate a GPG key once, enter in 3 settings once, and from then on it runs without any user-input whenever you want.
What it Does
When run, this script asks you for the location of your websites document root and the location of your wp-config.php or config.php file. It also asks you for your encryption UID. Then this script saves those settings in a file called .sbackup so that the next time you run the script it will run without having to re-enter that information, making it nice for cronjobs or quick and easy on-demand backups. Another cool feature that I added is this script automatically parses your wp-config.php file for the mysql database name, user, host, and password, meaning you don't have to compromise your security or take the time to type those settings in manually.
What is Backed Up
This script creates a tarred and gzipped archive of your entire document root in the folder ~/backups/domain.com/domain.com-date.tgz
and also creates a backup of your WordPress database and phpBB database in a format that is ideal for restoring from. Both of these files are then encrypted using your GPG key and can then be safely downloaded as a password and key is required to decrypt them.
Generating a GPG Key
If you don't already have one setup for your shell account run this command remembering the uid which you will enter in the shell script.
gpg --gen-key
Decrypting Files
gpg -r UID --output FILENAME.tgz --decrypt FILENAME.tgz.asc
The Shell Script
#!/bin/bash # SiteBack Version 3.3, 2008-12-17 # GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 # 12-17-08 - AskApache (www.askapache.com) umask 022 ### SHELL OPTIONS set +o noclobber # allowed to clobber files set +o noglob # globbing on set +o xtrace # change to - to enable tracing set +o verbose # change to - to enable verbose debugging set -e # abort on first error shopt -s extglob ###########################################################################--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# ### ### SETTINGS ### ###########################################################################==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# DT=$(date +%x); DT=${DT///} DTX=$(date +%x-%H%M); DTX=${DTX///} BDIR=${HOME}/backups RUN_FILE=${BDIR}/$$.bk.log MY_CONFIG=".sbackup" DOMAIN=;DB_NAME=;DB_USER=;DB_PASSWORD=;DB_HOST=;APP_CONFIG=;SQL_DEST=;ARC_DEST=;ENCRYPT_USER= E_SUCCESS=0;E_YN=0;E_YES=251;E_NO=250;E_RETURN=65;C0=;C1=;C2=;C3=;C4=;C5=;C5=;C7= ###########################################################################--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# ### ### FUNCTIONS ### ###########################################################################==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# #--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# # script_title #==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# function script_title(){ local e=" 33[" local l=' ___________________________________________________________________ ' # SET WINDOW TITLE AND COLORS IF CLIENT CAPABLE case $TERM in xterm*|vt*|ansi|rxvt|gnome*) C0="${e}0m";C1="${e}1;30m";C2="${e}1;32m";C3="${e}0;32m";C4="${e}1;37m";C5="${e}1;35m";C6="${e}30;42m" esac echo -e "n${C0}$l${C1}" echo -e "| ${C2}___ __ ___ __${C1} |" echo -e "| ${C2}/ _ | ___ / /__ / _ | ___ ___ _____/ / ___${C1} |" echo -e "| ${C2}/ __ |(_- '_// __ |/ _ / _ `/ __/ _ / -_)${C1} |" echo -e "| ${C3}/_/ |_/___/_/_/_/ |_/ .__/_,_/__/_//_/__/${C1} |" echo -e "| ${C3}/_/${C1} |" echo -e "| |" echo -e "| ${C1}+--${C0} SITE BACKUP SCRIPT Version 3.3${C1} |" echo -e "${C0}$lnn" } #--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# # pm #==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# function pm(){ START=$(date +%s) && touch ${RUN_FILE} case "${2:-title}" in "title") echo -en "nn${C2}>>> ${C4}${1} ${C0} nn"; ;; "info") echo -e "${C5}=> ${C4}${1} ${C0}"; ;; "item") echo -e "${C4}-- ${C0}${1} "; ;; esac } #--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# # yes_no #==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# function yes_no(){ local ans echo -en "${1} [y/n] " ; read -n 1 ans case "$ans" in n|N) E_YN=$E_NO ;; y|Y) E_YN=$E_YES ;; esac } #--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# # do_sleep #==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# function do_sleep (){ local END DIFF echo -en "${C5}${3:-.}"; while [ -r "$RUN_FILE" ]; do sleep ${2:-3}; echo -en "${3:-.}"; done; echo -e "${C0}"; sleep 1; END=$(date +%s);DIFF=$(( $END - $START )) echo -e "n${C6} [T: ${SECONDS}] COMPLETED IN ${DIFF} SEC ${C0} nn"; sleep 1; return 0; } #--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# # get_settings #==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# function get_settings(){ local cha HOSTED_SITES G GG clear; script_title if [[ -r "$MY_CONFIG" ]]; then OIFS=$IFS; while IFS=: read DOMAIN DOMAINROOT APP_CONFIG ENCRYPT_USER; do DOMAIN=${DOMAIN}; DOMAINROOT=${DOMAINROOT}; APP_CONFIG=${APP_CONFIG}; ENCRYPT_USER=${ENCRYPT_USER}; #E_YN=$E_YES; break done <${MY_CONFIG}; IFS=$OIFS else gpg --list-keys|grep uid.*|awk '{print $2}' echo -en "n What userid to use for encryption? "; read -e ENCRYPT_USER; echo echo -en "n What domain would you like to backup? "; read -e DOMAIN; echo echo $PWD until [ -d "$DOMAINROOT" ]; do echo -en "n Folder where config file is located? "; read -e DOMAINROOT; echo; done [[ -r "$DOMAINROOT/config.php" ]] && APP_CONFIG=$DOMAINROOT/config.php && DOT=PHP [[ -r "$DOMAINROOT/wp-config.php" ]] && APP_CONFIG=$DOMAINROOT/wp-config.php && DOT=WP echo $PWD until [[ -r "$APP_CONFIG" ]]; do echo -en "n Where is the applications config file? "; read -e APP_CONFIG; echo; done fi [[ -r "$DOMAINROOT/config.php" ]] && APP_CONFIG=$DOMAINROOT/config.php && DOT=PHP [[ -r "$DOMAINROOT/wp-config.php" ]] && APP_CONFIG=$DOMAINROOT/wp-config.php && DOT=WP ### For phpBB if [[ "${DOT}" == "PHP" ]]; then GG=$(sed -e '/$db(n|u|pa|h)/!d' -e "s/$db_(name|user|passwd|host) = '([^']*).*$/1='2';/g" -e 's/$db/DB_/g' ${APP_CONFIG}); G=$(echo ${GG}|sed -e 's/DB_name/DB_NAME/g' -e 's/DB_user/DB_USER/g' -e 's/DB_passwd/DB_PASSWORD/g' -e 's/DB_host/DB_HOST/g'); else G=$(sed -e "/define('DB_(NAME|USER|PASSWORD|HOST)/!d" -e "s/[^']*'DB_(NAME|USER|PASSWORD|HOST)'[^']*'([^']*)'.*$/DB_1='2';/g" ${APP_CONFIG}) fi eval $G; mkdir -p ${BDIR}/${DOMAIN} SQL_DEST=${BDIR}/${DOMAIN}/${DOMAIN}-${DT}.sql; [[ -r "${SQL_DEST}.asc" ]] && SQL_DEST=${BDIR}/${DOMAIN}/${DOMAIN}-${DTX}.sql ARC_DEST=${BDIR}/${DOMAIN}/${DOMAIN}-${DT}.tgz; [[ -r "${ARC_DEST}.asc" ]] && ARC_DEST=${BDIR}/${DOMAIN}/${DOMAIN}-${DTX}.tgz if [[ "$E_YN" != "$E_YES" ]]; then for a in "DOMAIN" "DOMAINROOT" "APP_CONFIG" "ENCRYPT_USER" "DB_NAME" "DB_USER" "DB_PASSWORD" "DB_HOST"; do echo -e "${a}: ${!a}"; done echo; yes_no "ARE THESE SETTINGS CORRECT" fi while [[ "$E_YN" != "$E_YES" ]]; do for a in "DOMAIN" "DOMAINROOT" "APP_CONFIG" "ENCRYPT_USER" "DB_NAME" "DB_USER" "DB_PASSWORD" "DB_HOST"; do echo -en "n (Enter for Default: ${!a} )n ${a}:> " read -e cha; echo; [[ ${#cha} -gt 2 ]] && eval "$a"=$cha done yes_no "ARE THESE SETTINGS CORRECT" done echo -e "${DOMAIN}:${DOMAINROOT}:${APP_CONFIG}:${ENCRYPT_USER}" > $MY_CONFIG } #--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--# # exit_cleanup #==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==# function exit_cleanup(){ cd $OLDPWD [[ -r "${SQL_DEST}" ]] && rm ${SQL_DEST} [[ -r "${ARC_DEST}" ]] && rm ${ARC_DEST} } ############################################################################################################ ### ### MAIN CODE ### ############################################################################################################ #=# CATCH SCRIPT KILLED BY USER trap exit_cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM #=# MAKE MAIN SCRIPT NICE renice 19 -p $$ &>/dev/null cd `dirname $0` get_settings pm "CREATING SQL BACKUP" mysqldump --opt -u${DB_USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} -h ${DB_HOST} -r ${SQL_DEST} --add-drop-table ${DB_NAME} 1>&2 &>/dev/null && sleep 2 1>&2 &>/dev/null && rm ${RUN_FILE} 2>&1& do_sleep 1 1 ":" pm "ENCRYPTING SQL BACKUP" gpg --armor --recipient ${ENCRYPT_USER} --output ${SQL_DEST}.asc --encrypt ${SQL_DEST} 1>&2 &>/dev/null && sleep 2 1>&2 &>/dev/null && rm ${RUN_FILE} 2>&1& do_sleep 1 1 ":"; rm ${SQL_DEST} pm "CREATING ARCHIVE BACKUP" tar -czf ${ARC_DEST} . 1>&2 &>/dev/null && rm ${RUN_FILE} 2>&1& do_sleep 1 5 ":" pm "ENCRYPTING ARCHIVE BACKUP" gpg --armor --recipient ${ENCRYPT_USER} --output ${ARC_DEST}.asc --encrypt ${ARC_DEST} 1>&2 &>/dev/null && rm ${RUN_FILE} 2>&1& do_sleep 1 1 ":"; rm ${ARC_DEST} echo -e "${C1} __________________________________________________________________________ " echo -e "| |" echo -e "| ${C4} COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ${C1} |" echo -e "${C1} __________________________________________________________________________ ${C0} nn" cd $OLDPWD exit $?
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