Post by AskApache | Mar 03, 2018
The bottom line for this article is that I want to make WordPress as fast, secure, and easy to install, run, and manage because I am using it more and more for client production sites, I will work for days in order to solve an issue so that I never have to spend time on that issue again. Time is money in this industry and that is ultimately (time) what there is to gain by tweaking WordPress.
Note: I spent no time on readability, this is primarily a read the code and figure it out article.. This is for advanced users looking for a reference or discussion and for those of you looking to advance. Feedback would be great if you make it that far..
wordpress wp-config.php
Jul 22, 2016
json_encode memory PHP wordpress
Jul 16, 2016
Using memcache for me personally and the client sites I work on, has improved performance by over 1000%, in some cases even higher than that. It is a truly revolutionary way to optimize the performance of MySQL queries, remote requests such as to twitter or other apis, and this article is step 1. Plan is to go all the way to step 10 in future articles, it it grossly underused and misused in the WP world.
Cache Load memcache memcached performance server speed
Jun 16, 2016
Secure WP Super Cache, Anti-exploits, Mitigation techniques. A bunch of current ways to stop wordpress exploits and spam. 
security spam wordpress wordpress exploits
Jan 30, 2014
Here's a nifty little idea I had that has some merit and is super easy. Separate favicons for separate areas of a site. Basically, I can't live without Firefox or Chrome and the way they use multiple tabs, having about 20-50 open at any one time.. But that makes it more difficult to find the right tab!

favicon PHP wordpress
Jan 15, 2013
This is a brief explanation of what is needed for an awesome theme, well awesome from my perspective. This is good stuff, memorize it.
css web builder
Dec 21, 2012
The story behind this plugin is sorta wack, but in a good way :). While doing tons of security research on permissions, authorization, access, etc.. for the Password Protection plugin (still being worked on), I needed to have unheard of debugging capabilities while working on the plugin on the various websites, webhosts, and test servers that I use to test in different environments. So I hacked together a bunch of php code that helped me debug, actually I pretty much went overkill and tried to get as much debugging info as programmatically possible, and it ended up being so much code that I took it out of my Password Protection code and made it its own plugin.
Oct 17, 2012
Problem: WordPress shows pages, categories, author pages, etc. without an ending '/'.
/about instead of /about/.
/category/htaccess instead of /category/htaccess/.
Solution: Either hook into the user_trailingslashit
filter, or use some htaccess RedirectMatch
permalink PHP RedirectMatch wordpress
Apr 19, 2012
The Admin Bar in WordPress is always shown when in the backend administration area no matter what.
You are given the option to show/hide the admin bar when viewing the site, but there is no option to show/hide the admin bar when using the backend... So I created a plugin to provide that option on profile pages.
Why hide the admin bar in backend?
Normally I like the admin-bar and usually have it enabled, but it's nice to be able to switch it on/off from the "Edit Profile" page. The biggest reason for not loading/showing the admin_bar in the backend is SPEED. Here are 2 instances where I hide it-
· Sites with many authors/admins
· Moderating Comments on a Mobile Phone
PHP WordPress Plugin
Oct 07, 2011
Here's the problem I was having while working on a custom theme for a client. Certain pages, posts, tag pages, archive pages, and custom pages either had the sidebar, or did not have the sidebar. The main content div #ContentW
had a 72% width when the sidebar was present, otherwise it was 96%. The problem was that I dislike having to do things manually when they can be automated through code. What I was having to do was manually add/remove page-specific classes to the css file to reflect whether the sidebar was present on that page or not.
Sidebar wordpress
Nov 09, 2010
I am now about 1 week away from publishing the much-anticipated 4.7 update to the AskApache Password Protection WordPress plugin. It's an upgrade I've been working on for almost 2 years (off and on)! I have been using the new version for quite some time now, and have made a lot of improvements to it, and finally I decided enough users have suffered with the old version. I am very excited for this release, it fixes all known bugs in the older versions, and brings some heavy-duty improvements to all facets of this plugin.. not to mention way better security modules (Lots more COOKIE use) based on code I use with clients.
Plug-in wordpress
Jan 29, 2010
For the AskApache Google 404 WordPress Plugin update I added a new 404.php that is more advanced than anything previously seen for a 404.php
404 PHP wordpress
Nov 29, 2009
There are so many WordPress plugins out there now that I wanted to post my favorite 3 plugins for speeding up a WP-Powered blog. These are the 3 plugins that I install for pretty much all of my WP-Powered sites, which I run about 300 now. They work together to provide a very optimized blog for speed.
DB-Cache Reloaded does something entirely different, it saves the mysql queries that are made to the WP-database, as well as the mysql results to static files, and then through php serves those cached-files instead of re-querying the mysql database. Most mysql databases are stored on separate servers, and although many are on the same local network there is a limit to how many queries, and how many connections can take place.
So DB-Cache Reloaded basically makes WP-Super Cache work alot faster when generating the cache files, and DB-Cache Reloaded helps in a number of areas un-related to WP-Super Cache, like in the admin panel. And DB-Cache without WP-Super-Cache is a joke because it still uses the application-level and php for everything. Gotta use both (or just WPSC).
Cache Web server wordpress
Jul 29, 2009
So my blog as been rather quiet for almost a year now, and very few updates if any have been released for my Password Protection PLugin, my Google 404 Plugin, and definately not for my AskApache CrazyCache plugin, which I will be releasing last... So for all of you who've helped me out by sending me suggestions and notifying me of errors and sticking with it... Just wanted to say sorry about that, and thanks for all the great ideas.. Well, I've been sticking with it as well believe it our not. I manage to get free days once in a while, and then its time to jam.
Apache HTTP Server CGI Debugging HTTP protocol Htaccess SuexecUserGroup
Mar 01, 2009
Enumerating Permissions can be Annoying
Don’t ask me how because I won’t tell you, but on one of the hosts I was testing on that did not allow direct access I was able to get the Apache server running as dhapache to erroneously write a file into my users blog directory. This is a big security no-no and I now have my .htaccess file written into the blog directory where it should go, but instead of my php script’s user having write access to the file so I can modify it, its owned by dhapache! Because the file is owned by dhapache I shouldn’t even be allowed to know it exists, but there it is. So the next step was to try and take ownership of the .htaccess file so that I could modify it. I tried and tried but was unsuccessful, I couldn’t modify it so that was another dead end. Actually it took me awhile to figure out how to remove the file from my directory. Being that it was owned by dhapache I couldn’t delete or modify it using my php process or even through ftp/ssh! Sysadmins regularly run find commands that search the servers for any files owned by dhapache that should not be there as this is a big red flag that someone has found a way to manipulate dhapache which could potentially lead to modifying dhapache-owned server config files, which sometimes is all it takes to hack your website and server.. Luckily I was able to delete it by basically running the hack again to overwrite the file.
Nov 22, 2008

Well what can I say, other than this is sooo DOPE! Here is a list of the modules this plugin (version 4.7 unreleased) will automatically detect. I compiled the list myself using every module included with any default Apache installation for ALL the versions listed below, 1.3 to 2.2+
Want to know something else I'm including in this plugin? For each and every module that is detected, this plugin can then detect ALL of the modules .htaccess Directives! For instance, RewriteRule, AccessFileName, AddHandler, etc..
are each a directive belonging to a module that is allowed to be used from within .htaccess files.
Talk about sick.. these tricks have the diamond disease!
Advanced Anti-Exploit Anti-Spam Htaccess RewriteCond RewriteRule security SSL THE_REQUEST
Aug 19, 2008
4.6 just released.... Check It Out.
May 31, 2008
Registering on a WP blog requires entering a username and email then checking your email for an auto password.
Too much work to put your users through?
This uses just email and password and does it all.
Apr 01, 2008
A WordPress plugin that caches your entire blog for WP-Cache, I love this plugin and finally released it to the public!
Mar 29, 2008
AskApache Password Protect adds some serious password protection to your WordPress Blog. Not only does it protect your wp-admin directory, but also your wp-includes, wp-content, plugins, etc. plugins as well. Imagine a HUGE brick wall protecting your frail .php scripts from the endless attacks of automated web robots and password-guessing exploit-serving scripts.
.htpasswd Htaccess Password wordpress
Mar 01, 2008
How To remove the /category/ from WordPress category urls.
We're using WP as a CMS with pages and posts. Done a bit of customization, so it looks sweet. Problem - i have some child categories that throw 404 when the category redirect is in place. How did you remove the category base from the url structure in wordpress?
Feb 07, 2008
WordPress plugin gives you control over HTTP Basic Authentication for your WordPress blog which among other things, stops most automated hacking attempts and exploits being attempted, cutting down on the number of requests, connections, and mysql queries for all WordPress blogs on the Internet.
Jan 30, 2008
This plugin has been updated for WordPress 2.5 and includes more options to get your site indexed by Google and Yahoo.
Jan 17, 2008
If your WordPress blog uses AdSense, and you love Firefox you will love this plugin. When a user downloads and installs Firefox through your referral, we'll credit your account with up to $1.00 (more details).
Jan 01, 2008
- gzip's previous .htaccess file and sends it as an attachment to the logged in users email account along with password user setup.
- Now also works for sites running on SSL (PHP version >4.3.0)
- Rewrote the security module code in the form of snort, nessus, and mod_security rules and signatures
- Added a *real* check to see if mod_rewrite is installed
- Added Modules that remove directoryindexes
- Much more on the way..
Dec 19, 2007
The best (so far) AskApache Plugin is now even bestester! Turns every 404 Not Found
error on your blog into a search engine optimized, traffic driving event!

Dec 14, 2007
It shows a semi-transparent box on the document you are viewing that tells you if its a page, single, feed, category, etc..
Dec 07, 2007
Disable caching on WordPress index pages when using WP-Cache with this neat mod to the famously speedy cache plugin.
Nov 26, 2007
Thought I'd give you all the tips and tricks that I've learned and use when developing WordPress plugins.. which can be quite fun!
Nov 04, 2007
I just updated the AskApache Search Engine Verify Plugin for WordPress. Short and Sweet, it won't slow down your blog at all, except for the additional crawling of your site by Slurp and Googlebot.
Oct 23, 2007
Updated to now also show the type of permalink configured for your blog. Including what type of internal permalinking, pathinfo, mod_rewrite, etc.. Also shows contents of blogs current .htaccess file and provides a link to directly edit.
Oct 01, 2007
Optimizing the position, color, and size of AdSense Ads is confusing. The REAL way to optimize AdSense for clicks and revenue is using variations and measuring the results.
Sep 18, 2007
Often I am programming a plugin, or modifying my .htaccess rules, or editing a WordPress template file and I get stuck when it comes to how WordPress rewrites url's internally. This simple plugin displays all the internal WordPress rewrites.
Aug 29, 2007
You may not think much about verifying your website with these search engines, but I am of the opinion it is extremely good for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In fact, I read the other day on Google that if you buy a domain with a checkered past that has been punished by the search engines and you want it to be reincluded in the index this is what they recommended. Verify your sites.
Jan 18, 2007
Search Engine Optimization for WordPress
Nov 20, 2006
Files that can be deleted after installing wordpress
- license.txt
- Readme.html
- the import*.php files
Nov 01, 2006
.htaccess is a very ancient configuration file for web servers, and is one of the most powerful configuration files most webmasters will ever come across. This htaccess guide shows off the very best of the best htaccess tricks and code snippets from hackers and server administrators.
You've come to the right place if you are looking to acquire mad skills for using .htaccess files!
.htpasswd 301 Redirect Apache Apache HTTP Server Cache Hosting Htaccess Htaccess Software HTTP Headers httpd.conf HyperText Transfer Protocol mod_rewrite Redirect RewriteCond RewriteRule SSL
Plugins and themes for WordPress | Urban Giraffe - WordPress Plugins | All Things Seen and Unseen