Post by AskApache | Apr 25, 2013
If you use Apache to auto-generate directory index listings of files/dirs, and you have a large number of files and directories in the root directory and/or slow IO speed, then generating the index could take Apache over a minute!
Shell Scripting Apache bash DirectoryIndex Htaccess IndexOptions rsync
Apr 10, 2009
Sometimes there is an urgent need for creating an exact duplicate or "mirror" of a web site on a separate server. This could be needed for creating Round Robin Setups, Load-Balancing, Failovers, or for just plain vanilla backups. In the past I have used a lot of different methods to copy data from one server to another, including creating an archive of the whole directory and then using scp to send the file over, creating an archive and then encrypting it and then sending that file over using ftp, curl, etc., and my persistence at learning new ways to do things has paid off because now I use rsync to keep an exact replica of the entire directory on an external server, without having to use all the CPU and resources of other mirroring methods.
Security rsync ssh