If you use Apache to auto-generate directory index listings of files/dirs, using the IndexOptions directive, like at http://gnu.askapache.com/, and you have a large number of files and directories in the root directory and/or slow IO speed, then generating the index could take Apache over a minute!
Fix for index Listings
I fixed that by writing a bash shell script, which is run by cron, in this case immediately after every rsync. This creates a static index.html file formatted exactly as the simple apache-generated one. Now apache serves the single index.html, which can be cached. Served in less than a second now.
Htaccess for Indexes
Here is the basic .htaccess to setup in the root directory.
# Updated: Wed Apr 10 21:04:12 2013 by webmaster@askapache
# @ https://www.askapache.com/s/u.askapache.com/2013/04/gnu-mirror-index-creator.txt
# Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
function create_gnu_index ()
# call it right or die
[[ $# != 3 ]] && echo "bad args. do: $FUNCNAME '/DOCUMENT_ROOT/' '/' 'gnu.askapache.com'" && exit 2
# D is the doc_root containing the site
local L= D="$1" SUBDIR="$2" DOMAIN="$3" F=
# The index.html file to create
# if dir doesnt exist, create it
[[ -d $D ]] || mkdir -p $D;
# cd into dir or die
cd $D || exit 2;
# touch index.html and check if writable or die
touch $F && test -w $F || exit 2;
# remove empty directories, they dont need to be there and slow things down if they are
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty -exec rm -rf {} \;
# start of total output for saving as index.html
# print the html header
echo '';
echo "Index of http://${DOMAIN}${SUBDIR}";
echo "
Index of ${SUBDIR}
Name Last modified Size";
# start of content output
# change IFS locally within subshell so the for loop saves line correctly to L var
# pretty sweet, will mimick the normal apache output
for L in $(find -L . -mount -depth -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name 'index.html' -printf " %-44f@_@%Td-%Tb-%TY %Tk:%TM @%f@\n"|sort|sed 's,\([\ ]\+\)@_@,\1,g');
# file
F=$(sed -e 's,^.*@\([^@]\+\)@.*$,\1,g'<<<"$L");
# file with file size
F=$(du -bh $F | cut -f1);
# output with correct format
sed -e 's,\ @.*$, '"$F"',g'<<<"$L";
# now output a list of all directories in this dir (maxdepth 1) other than '.' outputting in a sorted manner exactly like apache
find -L . -mount -depth -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name '.' -printf " %-43f@_@%Td-%Tb-%TY %Tk:%TM -\n"|sort -d|sed 's,\([\ ]\+\)@_@,/\1,g'
# print the footer html
echo "</pre>Apache Server at ${DOMAIN}";
# finally save the output of the subshell to index.html
) > $F;
# start the run ( use function so everything is local and contained )
# $1 is absolute document_root with trailing '/'
# $2 is subdir like '/subdir/' if thats the web root, '/' if no subdir
# $3 is the domain 'subdomain.domain.tld'
create_gnu_index "${HOME}/sites/gnu.askapache.com/htdocs/" "/" "gnu.askapache.com"
# takes about 1-5 seconds to complete
Bash Script to Create index.html of Dir Listing - AskApache