
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 * limitations under the License.

 * byterange_filter.c --- HTTP byterange filter and friends.

#include "apr.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_buckets.h"
#include "apr_lib.h"
#include "apr_signal.h"

#define APR_WANT_STDIO          /* for sscanf */
#include "apr_want.h"

#include "util_filter.h"
#include "ap_config.h"
#include "httpd.h"
#include "http_config.h"
#include "http_core.h"
#include "http_protocol.h"
#include "http_main.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "http_vhost.h"
#include "http_log.h"           /* For errors detected in basic auth common
                                 * support code... */
#include "apr_date.h"           /* For apr_date_parse_http and APR_DATE_BAD */
#include "util_charset.h"
#include "util_ebcdic.h"
#include "util_time.h"

#include "mod_core.h"

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static int parse_byterange(char *range, apr_off_t clength,
                           apr_off_t *start, apr_off_t *end)
    char *dash = strchr(range, '-');
    char *errp;
    apr_off_t number;

    if (!dash) {
        return 0;

    if ((dash == range)) {
        /* In the form "-5" */
        if (apr_strtoff(&number, dash+1, &errp, 10) || *errp) {
            return 0;
        *start = clength - number;
        *end = clength - 1;
    else {
        *dash++ = '\0';
        if (apr_strtoff(&number, range, &errp, 10) || *errp) {
            return 0;
        *start = number;
        if (*dash) {
            if (apr_strtoff(&number, dash, &errp, 10) || *errp) {
                return 0;
            *end = number;
        else {                  /* "5-" */
            *end = clength - 1;

    if (*start < 0) {
        *start = 0;

    if (*end >= clength) {
        *end = clength - 1;

    if (*start > *end) {
        return -1;

    return (*start > 0 || *end < clength);

static int ap_set_byterange(request_rec *r);

typedef struct byterange_ctx {
    apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
    int num_ranges;
    char *boundary;
    char *bound_head;
} byterange_ctx;

 * Here we try to be compatible with clients that want multipart/x-byteranges
 * instead of multipart/byteranges (also see above), as per HTTP/1.1. We
 * look for the Request-Range header (e.g. Netscape 2 and 3) as an indication
 * that the browser supports an older protocol. We also check User-Agent
 * for Microsoft Internet Explorer 3, which needs this as well.
static int use_range_x(request_rec *r)
    const char *ua;
    return (apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Request-Range")
            || ((ua = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "User-Agent"))
                && ap_strstr_c(ua, "MSIE 3")));

#define PARTITION_ERR_FMT "apr_brigade_partition() failed " \
                          "[%" APR_OFF_T_FMT ",%" APR_OFF_T_FMT "]"

AP_CORE_DECLARE_NONSTD(apr_status_t) ap_byterange_filter(ap_filter_t *f,
                                                         apr_bucket_brigade *bb)
#define MIN_LENGTH(len1, len2) ((len1 > len2) ? len2 : len1)
    request_rec *r = f->r;
    conn_rec *c = r->connection;
    byterange_ctx *ctx;
    apr_bucket *e;
    apr_bucket_brigade *bsend;
    apr_off_t range_start;
    apr_off_t range_end;
    char *current;
    apr_off_t clength = 0;
    apr_status_t rv;
    int found = 0;
    int num_ranges;

    /* Iterate through the brigade until reaching EOS or a bucket with
     * unknown length. */
    for (e = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb);
         (e != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bb) && !APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(e)
          && e->length != (apr_size_t)-1);
         e = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(e)) {
        clength += e->length;

    /* Don't attempt to do byte range work if this brigade doesn't
     * contain an EOS, or if any of the buckets has an unknown length;
     * this avoids the cases where it is expensive to perform
     * byteranging (i.e. may require arbitrary amounts of memory). */
    if (!APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(e) || clength <= 0) {
        return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);

    num_ranges = ap_set_byterange(r);

    /* We have nothing to do, get out of the way. */
    if (num_ranges == 0) {
        return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);

    ctx = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
    ctx->num_ranges = num_ranges;
    /* create a brigade in case we never call ap_save_brigade() */
    ctx->bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);

    if (ctx->num_ranges > 1) {
        /* Is ap_make_content_type required here? */
        const char *orig_ct = ap_make_content_type(r, r->content_type);
        ctx->boundary = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%" APR_UINT64_T_HEX_FMT "%lx",
                                     (apr_uint64_t)r->request_time, (long) getpid());

        ap_set_content_type(r, apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "multipart",
                                           use_range_x(r) ? "/x-" : "/",
                                           "byteranges; boundary=",
                                           ctx->boundary, NULL));

        if (strcasecmp(orig_ct, NO_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
            ctx->bound_head = apr_pstrcat(r->pool,
                                          CRLF "--", ctx->boundary,
                                          CRLF "Content-type: ",
                                          CRLF "Content-range: bytes ",
        else {
            /* if we have no type for the content, do our best */
            ctx->bound_head = apr_pstrcat(r->pool,
                                          CRLF "--", ctx->boundary,
                                          CRLF "Content-range: bytes ",
        ap_xlate_proto_to_ascii(ctx->bound_head, strlen(ctx->bound_head));

    /* this brigade holds what we will be sending */
    bsend = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);

    while ((current = ap_getword(r->pool, &r->range, ','))
           && (rv = parse_byterange(current, clength, &range_start,
                                    &range_end))) {
        apr_bucket *e2;
        apr_bucket *ec;

        if (rv == -1) {

        /* These calls to apr_brigage_partition should only fail in
         * pathological cases, e.g. a file being truncated whilst
         * being served. */
        if ((rv = apr_brigade_partition(bb, range_start, &ec)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
                          PARTITION_ERR_FMT, range_start, clength);
        if ((rv = apr_brigade_partition(bb, range_end+1, &e2)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
                          PARTITION_ERR_FMT, range_end+1, clength);

        found = 1;

        /* For single range requests, we must produce Content-Range header.
         * Otherwise, we need to produce the multipart boundaries.
        if (ctx->num_ranges == 1) {
            apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Content-Range",
                           apr_psprintf(r->pool, "bytes " BYTERANGE_FMT,
                                        range_start, range_end, clength));
        else {
            char *ts;

            e = apr_bucket_pool_create(ctx->bound_head, strlen(ctx->bound_head),
                                       r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
            APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bsend, e);

            ts = apr_psprintf(r->pool, BYTERANGE_FMT CRLF CRLF,
                              range_start, range_end, clength);
            ap_xlate_proto_to_ascii(ts, strlen(ts));
            e = apr_bucket_pool_create(ts, strlen(ts), r->pool,
            APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bsend, e);

        do {
            apr_bucket *foo;
            const char *str;
            apr_size_t len;

            if (apr_bucket_copy(ec, &foo) != APR_SUCCESS) {
                /* As above; this should not fail since the bucket has
                 * a known length, but just to be sure, this takes
                 * care of uncopyable buckets that do somehow manage
                 * to slip through.  */
                /* XXX: check for failure? */
                apr_bucket_read(ec, &str, &len, APR_BLOCK_READ);
                apr_bucket_copy(ec, &foo);
            APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bsend, foo);
            ec = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(ec);
        } while (ec != e2);

    if (found == 0) {
        r->status = HTTP_OK;
        /* bsend is assumed to be empty if we get here. */
        e = ap_bucket_error_create(HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, NULL,
                                   r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
        APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bsend, e);
        e = apr_bucket_eos_create(c->bucket_alloc);
        APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bsend, e);
        return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bsend);

    if (ctx->num_ranges > 1) {
        char *end;

        /* add the final boundary */
        end = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, CRLF "--", ctx->boundary, "--" CRLF, NULL);
        ap_xlate_proto_to_ascii(end, strlen(end));
        e = apr_bucket_pool_create(end, strlen(end), r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
        APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bsend, e);

    e = apr_bucket_eos_create(c->bucket_alloc);

    /* we're done with the original content - all of our data is in bsend. */

    /* send our multipart output */
    return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bsend);

static int ap_set_byterange(request_rec *r)
    const char *range;
    const char *if_range;
    const char *match;
    const char *ct;
    int num_ranges;

    if (r->assbackwards) {
        return 0;

    /* Check for Range request-header (HTTP/1.1) or Request-Range for
     * backwards-compatibility with second-draft Luotonen/Franks
     * byte-ranges (e.g. Netscape Navigator 2-3).
     * We support this form, with Request-Range, and (farther down) we
     * send multipart/x-byteranges instead of multipart/byteranges for
     * Request-Range based requests to work around a bug in Netscape
     * Navigator 2-3 and MSIE 3.

    if (!(range = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Range"))) {
        range = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Request-Range");

    if (!range || strncasecmp(range, "bytes=", 6) || r->status != HTTP_OK) {
        return 0;

    /* is content already a single range? */
    if (apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Content-Range")) {
       return 0;

    /* is content already a multiple range? */
    if ((ct = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Content-Type"))
        && (!strncasecmp(ct, "multipart/byteranges", 20)
            || !strncasecmp(ct, "multipart/x-byteranges", 22))) {
       return 0;

    /* Check the If-Range header for Etag or Date.
     * Note that this check will return false (as required) if either
     * of the two etags are weak.
    if ((if_range = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "If-Range"))) {
        if (if_range[0] == '"') {
            if (!(match = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Etag"))
                || (strcmp(if_range, match) != 0)) {
                return 0;
        else if (!(match = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Last-Modified"))
                 || (strcmp(if_range, match) != 0)) {
            return 0;

    if (!ap_strchr_c(range, ',')) {
        /* a single range */
        num_ranges = 1;
    else {
        /* a multiple range */
        num_ranges = 2;

    r->status = HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT;
    r->range = range + 6;

    return num_ranges;

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