GRUB_INIT_TUNE – Play sound through pcspkr

Set using env variable in grub.cfg
- Play a specific set of frequencies for specific lengths on the machine speaker when GRUB starts. This is particularly useful for cases when you'd like to know when a reboot happens. The value is passed directly to play.
grub config file

, run grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub.cfg
and reboot, then select "Tunes Test" to sample the various tunes.
#!/bin/sh exec tail -n +3 $0 menuentry "Tunes Test" { background_color "#FF9933" echo "Close Encounters/5 Tone" sleep 1 play 480 900 2 1000 2 800 2 400 2 600 3 background_color "#FF9900" echo "Fur Elise (note long)" sleep 1 play 480 420 1 400 1 420 1 400 1 420 1 315 1 370 1 335 1 282 3 180 1 215 1 282 1 315 3 213 1 262 1 315 1 335 3 213 1 420 1 400 1 420 1 400 1 420 1 315 1 370 1 335 1 282 3 180 1 215 1 282 1 315 3 213 1 330 1 315 1 282 3 background_color "#FF66FF" echo "Totentanz" sleep 1 play 312 262 3 247 3 262 3 220 3 247 3 196 3 220 3 220 3 262 3 262 3 294 3 262 3 247 3 220 3 196 3 247 3 262 3 247 5 220 1 220 5 background_color "#FF66CC" echo "Oldskool Batman tune" sleep 1 play 380 120 1 140 1 160 1 200 8 190 4 background_color "#FF6699" echo "Legend of Zelda tune" sleep 1 play 12000 440 100 0 1 329 150 440 50 0 1 440 25 493 25 523 25 587 25 659 200 background_color "#FF6666" echo "Super Mario" sleep 1 play 1000 334 1 334 1 0 1 334 1 0 1 261 1 334 1 0 1 392 2 0 4 196 2 background_color "#FF6633" echo "Super Mario Alternate" sleep 1 play 480 165 2 165 2 165 3 554 1 587 1 554 2 370 1 554 1 523 2 349 1 523 1 494 3 165 2 165 2 165 2 background_color "#FF6600" echo "Mario Mushroom" sleep 1 play 1750 523 1 392 1 523 1 659 1 784 1 1047 1 784 1 415 1 523 1 622 1 831 1 622 1 831 1 1046 1 1244 1 1661 1 1244 1 466 1 587 1 698 1 932 1 1175 1 1397 1 1865 1 1397 1 background_color "#FF33FF" echo "Star Wars Imperial Death March" sleep 1 play 480 440 4 440 4 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 8 659 4 659 4 659 4 698 3 523 1 415 4 349 3 523 1 440 8 background_color "#FF33CC" echo "My Little Pony" sleep 1 play 2400 587 18 554 4 587 8 659 12 587 16 0 10 587 4 659 4 740 8 587 4 784 12 740 8 659 8 587 4 740 20 587 40 background_color "#FF3399" echo "Wolfenstein 3D" sleep 1 play 300 131 1 196 1 196 1 196 1 294 1 196 1 294 1 196 1 131 1 background_color "#FF3366" echo "Mall (Nothing Special)" sleep 1 play 180 440 1 554 1 659 1 background_color "#FF3333" echo "Final Countdown" sleep 1 play 480 554 1 494 1 554 4 370 6 10 3 587 1 554 1 587 2 554 2 494 6 background_color "#FF3300" echo "Xie-Jelei's Tune" sleep 1 play 2000 400 4 0 1 500 4 0 1 600 4 0 1 800 6 background_color "#FF00FF" echo "Random tune" sleep 1 play 480 220 1 277 1 330 1 440 1 185 1 220 1 277 1 370 1 294 1 370 1 440 1 587 1 330 1 415 1 494 1 659 1 background_color "#FF00CC" echo "Fleetwood Mac: The Chain Bass Riff (about 5 seconds)" sleep 1 play 304 55 5 0 1 55 1 62 1 65 2 62 1 55 1 49 1 55 1 62 2 41 8 background_color "#FF0099" echo "Fleetwood Mac: The Chain Bass Riff Extended Version (WARNING, 25 SECONDS)" sleep 1 play 9120 55 150 0 30 55 30 62 30 65 60 62 30 55 30 49 30 55 30 62 60 41 360 0 120 55 150 0 30 55 30 62 30 65 60 62 30 55 30 49 30 55 30 62 60 41 360 0 60 41 12 42 3 43 3 44 3 45 3 46 6 47 3 48 3 49 6 50 3 51 3 52 6 53 3 54 3 55 150 0 30 55 30 62 30 65 60 62 30 55 30 49 30 55 30 62 60 41 240 82 20 0 10 82 26 0 4 82 26 0 4 82 26 0 4 82 56 0 4 82 60 55 150 0 30 55 30 62 30 65 60 62 30 55 30 49 30 55 30 62 60 41 360 0 120 background_color "#000000" }
GRUB play
This is what plays the sounds - note much of this code was borrowed from the GNU/Hurd generic-speaker driver
- Command: play
file | tempo [pitch1 duration1] [pitch2 duration2] …
- Plays a tune Format is first the tempo as an unsigned 32bit little-endian number, then pairs of unsigned 16bit little-endian numbers for pitch and duration pairs. The tempo is the base for all note durations. 60 gives a 1-second base, 120 gives a half-second base, etc. Pitches are Hz. Set pitch to 0 to produce a rest.
play.c GRUB source
More on github at play.c/* play.c - command to play a tune */ GRUB_MOD_LICENSE ("GPLv3+"); #define BASE_TEMPO (60 * 1000) #define T_REST ((grub_uint16_t) 0) #define T_FINE ((grub_uint16_t) -1) struct note { grub_uint16_t pitch; grub_uint16_t duration; }; /* Returns whether playing should continue. */ static int play (unsigned tempo, struct note *note) { grub_uint64_t to; if (note->pitch == T_FINE || grub_getkey_noblock () != GRUB_TERM_NO_KEY) return 1; grub_dprintf ("play", "pitch = %d, duration = %d\n", note->pitch, note->duration); switch (note->pitch) { case T_REST: grub_speaker_beep_off (); break; default: grub_speaker_beep_on (note->pitch); break; } to = grub_get_time_ms () + BASE_TEMPO * note->duration / tempo; while ((grub_get_time_ms () <= to) && (grub_getkey_noblock () == GRUB_TERM_NO_KEY)); return 0; } static grub_err_t grub_cmd_play (grub_command_t cmd __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc, char **args) { if (argc < 1) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* TRANSLATORS: It's musical notes, not the notes you take. Play command expects arguments which can be either a filename or tempo+notes. This error happens if none is specified. */ N_("filename or tempo and notes expected")); if (argc == 1) { struct note buf; grub_uint32_t tempo; grub_file_t file; file = grub_file_open (args[0]); if (! file) return grub_errno; if (grub_file_read (file, &tempo, sizeof (tempo)) != sizeof (tempo)) { grub_file_close (file); if (!grub_errno) grub_error (GRUB_ERR_FILE_READ_ERROR, N_("premature end of file %s"), args[0]); return grub_errno; } if (!tempo) { grub_file_close (file); grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, N_("Invalid tempo in %s"), args[0]); return grub_errno; } tempo = grub_le_to_cpu32 (tempo); grub_dprintf ("play","tempo = %d\n", tempo); while (grub_file_read (file, &buf, sizeof (struct note)) == sizeof (struct note)) { buf.pitch = grub_le_to_cpu16 (buf.pitch); buf.duration = grub_le_to_cpu16 (buf.duration); if (play (tempo, &buf)) break; } grub_file_close (file); } else { char *end; unsigned tempo; struct note note; int i; tempo = grub_strtoul (args[0], &end, 0); if (!tempo) { grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, N_("Invalid tempo in %s"), args[0]); return grub_errno; } if (*end) /* Was not a number either, assume it was supposed to be a file name. */ return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, N_("file `%s' not found"), args[0]); grub_dprintf ("play","tempo = %d\n", tempo); for (i = 1; i + 1 < argc; i += 2) { note.pitch = grub_strtoul (args[i], &end, 0); if (grub_errno) break; if (*end) { grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_NUMBER, N_("unrecognized number")); break; } note.duration = grub_strtoul (args[i + 1], &end, 0); if (grub_errno) break; if (*end) { grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_NUMBER, N_("unrecognized number")); break; } if (play (tempo, ¬e)) break; } } grub_speaker_beep_off (); return 0; } static grub_command_t cmd; GRUB_MOD_INIT(play) { cmd = grub_register_command ("play", grub_cmd_play, N_("FILE | TEMPO [PITCH1 DURATION1] [PITCH2 DURATION2] ... "), N_("Play a tune.")); } GRUB_MOD_FINI(play) { grub_unregister_command (cmd); }
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