Links to htaccess tutorials and howtos in the htaccess forum
- AddType to run .htm as .php
- Apache mod_rewrite Technical Details
- azdg script - shorten url with mod rewrite
- Basic authentication example
- Block everyone except 1 IP Address
- Cache-Control HTTP Headers
- View Forum - Caching and Optimization
- Caching using header
- Caching Using mod_expires with expires
- cname to a diffrent folder using the htaccess
- Commonly Used htaccess Code examples
- Create hyperlinks to switch between HTTP and HTTPS
- Creating ETag headers in php
- Creating SEO Friendly URL redirector
- Debugging PHP
- Deny a Block of IP Addresses
- Deny A User based on their IP address
- Deny access to a folder based on the Time
- Deny based on domain name
- Difference between PHP-CGI and PHP as an Apache module
- DirectoryIndex can point to external page also
- Disable Directory Listings
- Does .htaccess go in root or htdocs?
- Dont-cache Page
- Dynamic Mirror
- Environment Variables in Apache
- ErrorDocument Example
- Etags
- Force Files to download, not be displayed in browser
- From Old to New (extern)
- From Static to Dynamic
- Google Cheat Sheet
- Google Webmasters Blog
- Here are a few examples of some redirects:
- HowTo Debug Headers
- HTACCESS files useful tips and tricks
- Htaccess to Secure a Public Directory
- I want to create a 'virtual hosting' situation
- Inside Google Sitemaps: Improving your site's indexing and r
- Limit the Number of Concurrent Visitors to your Website
- Load Balancing
- View Forum - Main
- Misc Notes about Security/401/etc
- Missing Trailing Slash Code
- mod_rewrite Efficiency Question
- Mod_Rewrite Flags
- More on php5.fcgi setup
- Most searched for words in phpbb
- Move Homedirs to Different WebserverDescription:
- Moved DocumentRoot
- Multiple Custom PHP.ini
- Multple domains using htaccess
- Newbie htaccess Tutorial
- On Page Load
- Optimizing PHPBB for SEO
- Order, Allow, Deny
- Password Protection not working right
- Permanently renaming a file or directory
- php-cgi vs mod_php
- PHP Security
- PHP Session ID use for SEO
- Prevent Image HotLinking
- Problem with CMS/Stats
- Processing all GIF images through a CGI script
- Protect an entire directory
- Protect multiple specific files
- Protect single File
- Protect your htaccess file
- Quoting Special Characters
- re-direct any requests that are not files or dirs
- Redirect /contact/ to /contact.php
- Redirect Failing URLs To Other Webserver
- Redirecting All or Part of a Server to SSL
- Redirecting Anchors
- RedirectMatch RedirectPermanent RedirectTemp
- Regular Expressions in Dreamweaver
- rel Link types
- Require SSL before asking for htaccess password!
- Requiring the WWW
- Rewrite /contact/ to /cgi-bin/contact.php?
- Rewrite old to new internally
- Rewrite requests for /s/file.spl to /cgi-bin/file.php
- RewriteCond
- Robots meta tag and googlebot
- Sample htaccess
- Search for files [in more than one directory]
- View Forum - Security
- SEO Friendly URLs for PHP
- serve virtual hosts
- Set Environment Variables According To URL
- View Forum - SetEnv, PassEnv, UnsetEnv
- SetEnv to set the server administrator email
- SetEnv to set the server timezone
- SetEnv to Specify CGI/Apache Error Log
- Setting charset information in .htaccess
- View Forum - Shell Scripts
- Some Basic Defaults
- Some good default AddTypes for favicon.ico and flash
- Specify A Custom Error Document
- View Forum - SQL
- View Forum - SSL
- Status Codes
- [How Do I] Stop Hotlinking and Bandwidth Theft?
- Switch PHP between running as a CGI and an Apache module
- The 7 Link Types
- This piece of code returns a blank gif
- Time-Dependent Rewriting
- Use htaccess to speed up your site discussion
- Useing RedirectMatch to redirect using regexp
- Using defaultcharset and defaultlanguage to eliminate meta
- Using FilesMatch to target files
- Using .htaccess Redirection to Standardize Web Server Addres
- Using .html instead of .php
- Using PHP to force a download?
- Using PHP to force a download
- Using SetEnv to instruct php to use custom php.ini
- Virtual User Hosts [using HTTP_HOST header]
- Wikipedias Htaccess Page