Every Apache server comes pre-shipped with an old cgi script named printenv. It's useful and used for printing out the environment variables from your servers point of view. Basically you save this file where you can then call it from your browser, like site.com/printenv.cgi
-- then it will be executing as the user running the web server, nobody, apache, etc.. So this tells you all sorts of interesting things about your server, especially if you want/need to know about the users, groups, and file permissions.
You need to do 1 of 2 things to use this:
If you have htaccess then you most likely can get this to work by giving it an execute bit with chmod or from your ftp client, and then use htaccess like this:
Options +ExecCGI Indexes +FollowSymLinks AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .sh Order Deny,Allow Deny from All Allow from ADDYOURIPHERE env=REDIRECT_STATUS Satisfy All
Search around on this site for php.cgi tricks if you can't seem to get it. Basically you can try stuff like making it an errordocument, using other directives like forcetype, AddType, and even try stuff like mod_security's upload binary setting.
You do not want anyone other than you ever looking at the output of this. It's so full of details about your machine that it would be a huge security problem.
#!/bin/sh echo -e "Content-type: text/plainnn" # FUNCTIONS ################################################################################################################ function __A () { local __a __i __z;for __a;do __z=${!${__a}*};for __i in `eval echo "${__z}"`;do echo -e "$__i: ${!__i}";done;done; } function __S () { local L IFS=';';while read -r L;do builtin printf "${#L}@%sn" "$L";done|sort -n|sed -u 's/^[^@]*//'; } function __P () { local l=`builtin printf %${2:-$__WIDTH}s` && echo -e "${l// /${1:-=}}"; } function __T () { echo -e "nn+`__P -`+n| $*n+`__P '='`+"; } function __M () { echo -e " >>> $M" $*; } function __H () { command builtin type $1 &>/dev/null && local a="yes" || return 1; } function LE () { [[ ! -r /proc/${1:-$$}/limits ]] && return; sed -e '1z;s/ *$//;:a;$!N;s/nM.. [a-z]* [a-z]* [a-z]* {1,}([^ ]*) *([^ ]*) *[a-z]* */1:2 /;ta;s/uw+d/u/g;s/ *$//;s/ / | /g;s/([^:]+):1/1:=/g' /proc/${1:-$$}/limits; } function LH () { [[ ! -r /proc/${1:-$$}/limits ]] && return; sed -e '1z;s/ *$//;:a;$!N;s/nM.. ([a-z]+ [a-z]* [a-z]*) {1,}([^ ]*) *([^ ]*) *([a-z]*) */:1/;ta;s/ *:/:/g;s/size/sz/g;s/file/f/g;s/ pw+y/ pri/g;s/memory/mem/g;s/pw+s/procs/g;s/^://;s/:/ | /g' /proc/${1:-$$}/limits } # CUSTOM SETTINGS ################################################################################################################ __WIDTH=170 LC_COLLATE=C LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=C # RUNTIME SETUP ################################################################################################################# shopt -s dotglob nocaseglob extglob # -C If set, disallow existing regular files to be overwritte # -f Disable file name generation (globbing # -e Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status # -B enable brace expansion # +H disable History set -C +f +H -B # make sure we dont create any files umask 0177 # redirect everything to output (no logs or stderr is used) exec 2>/dev/null # MAIN EXECUTION ################################################################################################################# { __T "EXPANDING PATH" { __M "ORIG PATH:$PATH" PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/libexec:/usr/local/apache/bin for t in ${PATH//:/ }; do [[ -d "$t" ]] && sed -n -e "/:${t////\/}:/Q1" <<< ":${p:=}:" && p=$p:$t || continue; done PATH=${p/:/}:. __M "NEW PATH:$PATH" } __T "USER INFO" { __M "UMASK: `(umask 2>/dev/null)` ( `(umask -S 2>/dev/null)` )" __H uname && __M "UNAME: `eval echo $(uname -a 2>/dev/null)`" __H whoami && __M "WHOAMI: `(whoami 2>/dev/null)`" __H id && __M "ID: `(id 2>/dev/null)`" __H logname && __M "LOGNAME: `(logname 2>/dev/null)`" __H groups && __M "GROUPS: `(groups 2>/dev/null)`" echo -e "nn" } if __H who; then __T "LOGGED ON USERS" { (who -a 2>/dev/null) } fi; if [[ -r /etc/passwd ]]; then __T "/etc/passwd" { (cat /etc/passwd) } fi; if __H ulimit; then __T "USER LIMITS" { ulimit -a } fi if [[ -d /dev ]] && __H ls; then __T "/dev Directory" { ( ls -vlaph /dev 2>/dev/null ) } fi; if [[ -d /proc ]]; then __T "CURRENT PROCESS LIMITS" { for p in `echo /proc/[0-9]*/limits` do pid=${p:6:$((${#p}-13))} [[ $pid == $PPID || $pid == $$ ]] && continue; echo -e "n/proc/$pid:" sed '1s/x00/ /g;n;s/x00/n/g;/.{2,}/!d' /proc/$pid/cmdline $p 2>/dev/null done } __T "CURRENT PROCESS CMDLINE" { for p in `echo /proc/[0-9]*/cmdline`; do pid=${p:6:$((${#p}-13))} [[ $pid == $PPID || $pid == $$ ]] && continue; __M "[ /proc/$pid ]"; sed 's/x00/ /g;G' $p 2>/dev/null done } fi __T "IP INFORMATION" { __H ip && __M "IP:" && (ip -o -f inet addr 2>/dev/null) | sed 's/^.*inet ([0-9.]*).*$/1/g'; __H nmap && __M "NMAP:" && (nmap --iflist 2>/dev/null) | sed 1,4d | sed -n '/ethernet/s/^.*) ([0-9.]*).*$/1/gp'; __H ifconfig && __M "IFCONFIG:" && (ifconfig -a 2>/dev/null) | sed -n '/inet a/s/^.*addr:([0-9.]*).*$/1/gp'; [[ -f "$HOME/.cpanel/datastore/_sbin_ifconfig_-a" ]] && __M "CPANEL CACHE:" && sed -e '/inet/!d; s/.*addr:([0-9.]*).*/1/g' "$HOME/.cpanel/datastore/_sbin_ifconfig_-a" | sort -u } __T "ROUTE / INTERFACE INFO" { __H route && __M "ROUTE" && (route -nv 2>/dev/null) __H ip && ( ip rule && ip route && ip address ) 2>/dev/null __H ifconfig && (ifconfig -a 2>/dev/null) } __T "CGI/1.0 test script report:" { __A SERVER REQUEST GET SERVER PATH REMOTE AUTH CONTENT HTTP TZ GATEWAY QUERY MO echo -e "nn" } __T "HIDDEN VARIABLES" { __A {a..z} {A..Z} _{0..9} _{A..Z} _{a..z} | cat -Tsv 2>/dev/null echo -e "nn" } __T "DECLARE INFO" { for i in "r" "i" "a" "x" "t" "-"; do builtin eval declare -$i && echo; done | sed 's/^declare //' | cat -Tsv 2>/dev/null echo -e "nn" } __T "SHELL OPTIONS" { __A SHELLOPTS BASHOPTS echo -e "$-: $-" __P '-' && builtin shopt -s -p __P '-' && builtin shopt -u -p echo -e "nn" } __T "ENV AND EXPORT" { __H env && command env | cat -Tsv 2>/dev/null && __P '-' builtin export | cat -Tsv 2>/dev/null echo -e "nn" } if __H perl; then __T "PERL VARIABLES" { perl -e'foreach $v (sort(keys(%ENV))) {$vv = $ENV{$v};$vv =~ s|n|\n|g;$vv =~ s|"|\"|g;print "${v}="${vv}"n"}' | cat -Tsv 2>/dev/null echo -e "nn" } fi } | fold - -w$(($__WIDTH+3)) exit $?