Post by AskApache | Jan 31, 2013
Look at the text "askapache". That's pretty boring huh? It would be cool to have a nerdy textual representation of that for extra nerdy stuff like styling my /robots.txt file, email list signatures, forum sigs, etc. But who has time to create that by hand? If only there were an online tool to create it..

Dec 11, 2012
Adding a PayPal "Donate Now" button to your site is really easy. All you need is a paypal account, once logged in you can use the helpful wizard that walks you through the very quick and easy process.
form PayPal
Feb 11, 2010
You've probably seen this.. one of THE coolest video games I've ever seen (though I haven't played).. Its tempting me back to MLG.. Games are games today, but in the future Gaming Skill will be highly sought after.. So I check in with the gaming world occasionally, I'd hate to miss something like a new Duke-Nukem (cancelled after 10 years in development and no releases).
I have around 10 really nice articles I've been working on for awhile now, my problem is that I am a perfectionist, so I keep finding improvements.. worth it.
Game YouTube
Oct 22, 2009
WaMu Reincarnation!
Man I was bummed about WaMu folding, they had the best banking site I've seen, and I've worked on a few myself. And of course the biggest reason to love WaMu was that they actually paid YOU to borrow your money to lend to other people. Can you even imagine that level of decency existing in the world? It's been taken to such a low level by Chase I almost forget how to spell it.
So I picked up my October issue of Wired to try and forget about such tragedies, and on the first page I flipped to was a 1/3 page advertisement for a bank that didn't beat around the bush at all. No fine print of any kind, just loud and clear message that they will pay you to be their banking customer. I wasted no time and quickly checked out the site, and within 5 minutes of landing on their homepage I was a customer, and a very happy one. Even the name of this bank makes it clear they are not in the Microsoft Family Business with Chase and the other corporate pirates.
ally bank favorite free banking Finance PayPal
Nov 02, 2007 started going after Google with a TV commercial highlighting all the extra content-rich features available in the search results.
The commercial is a very effective piece of marketing, and the song is pretty good too!
Oct 30, 2007
Just wanted some bandwidth-free music for the home page~
Oct 15, 2007
Acronym and Abbr examples from the W3C Quality Assurance Site.
Oct 09, 2007
I was over at Alex King's blog today checking out his mobile web plugin for wordpress and I noticed some fresh podcasts from some of the industry's finest. The feeds are .mp3 and are easy to find and browse on the site. They have some pretty nice articles over there as well..
Jun 30, 2007
Tupac here is using the new youtube-nocookie option, which is a slight improvement.. but flash from youtube is always gonna be slow as they are obsessed with user-metrics and pushing content at us..
Like those behind Vista, they seem to believe we all have state-of-the-art supercomputers and datacenters like they do.
I'm staying old school, resist the gui!