.htaccess is a very ancient configuration file for web servers, and is one of the most powerful configuration files most webmasters will ever come across. This htaccess guide shows off the very best of the best htaccess tricks and code snippets from hackers and server administrators.
You've come to the right place if you are looking to acquire mad skills for using .htaccess files!
Apache, Hosting, Htaccess, Optimization, Security, SEO, Web Development, WordPress .htpasswd 301 Redirect Apache Apache HTTP Server Cache Hosting Htaccess Htaccess Software HTTP Headers httpd.conf HyperText Transfer Protocol mod_rewrite Redirect RewriteCond RewriteRule SSL
Get your real server info
Fresh .htaccess code for you! Check out the Cookie Manipulation and environment variable usage with mod_rewrite! I also included a couple Mod_Security .htaccess examples. Enjoy!
Originally Posted: 3/29/2008
Htaccess 301 Redirects Htaccess
.htaccess Topic vs htaccess Keyword
Google, Htaccess, SEO Apache Google Google Trends Htaccess SEO
#### No https except to wp-admin -
# If the request is empty ( implies fopen or normal file access by a php script )
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^$ [OR]
# OR if the request if for wp-admin or wp-login.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(wp-admin|wp-login.php).*$ [NC,OR]
# OR if the Referer is https
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^https://www.askapache.com/.*$ [NC]
# THEN skip the following rule, basically all this does is force https or badhost to be redirected
# BUT because of the above 3 rewritecond's, this won't break poorly written admin scripts
RewriteRule .* - [S=1]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.askapache.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* https://www.askapache.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9} /(wp-admin/.*|wp-login.php.*) HTTP/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule .* https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
Htaccess RewriteCond RewriteEngine RewriteRule
Web Professionals use mod_rewrite to issue 301 and 302 Redirects for Search Engines. Sometimes you may not have mod_rewrite.c or you want an alternative redirect method. Using mod_alias RedirectMatch you can use REGEX in Redirect commands!
Htaccess 301 Redirect SEO
Apache Security tips and tricks for securing Apache Web Servers using htaccess, httpd.conf, and other built-in techniques to thwart attackers. This really should be required reading for any Apache admin or user because these little tricks are so easy to do.
How to password-protect, Allow or Deny a visitor based on a condition. If you are having trouble getting htaccess-based password protection to work see: Troubleshooting htaccess Authentication: Getting it to work
Htaccess AuthName AuthType FilesMatch Htaccess Password Password Protection Require
After I optimized the caching for my non-dynamic pages using apache modules mod_headers and mod_expires, I began to learn about phpbb seo..
Htaccess Htaccess PhpBB
FYI, using the Mod_Rewrite Variables Cheatsheet makes this example, and all advanced .htaccess code easier to understand. This demo lets you set a cookie with 1 of 3 values, then you just request the pdf file with a normal link click and get 1 of 3 different responses. This is accomplished with a nice bit of .htaccess code.
Htaccess Htaccess HTTP cookie JavaScript PDF pdf.js Portable Document Format
Links to htaccess tutorials and howtos in the htaccess forum
SSLOptions +StrictRequire
SSLRequire %{HTTP_HOST} eq "google.com"
ErrorDocument 403 https://google.com
Some of the Ins and Outs of using SSL Connections with Apache.
Htaccess 301 Redirects Htaccess mod_rewrite SSL
Here is even more information from the Ultimate Htaccess Part I. For now this is very rough and you will want to come back later to read it.
Htaccess Apache HTTP Server Htaccess World Wide Web

3-Part article covering practical implementation of 3 advanced .htaccess features. Discover an easy way to boost your SEO the AskApache way (focus on visitors), a tip you might keep and use for life. Get some cool security tricks to use against spammers, crackers, and other nefarious sorts. Take your site's error handling to the next level, enhanced ErrorDocuments that go beyond 404's.
Htaccess SSI
2 awesome ways to implement caching on your website using Apache .htaccess or httpd.conf. Both methods are extremely simple to set up and will dramatically speed up your site! Htaccess Cache Cache-Control ETag Expires Header Headers Htaccess mod_expires mod_headers
Server and Environment Variables are used by The Apache HTTP Server by provides a mechanism for storing information. This information can be used to control various operations such as logging or access control.
Apache .htaccess and httpd.conf have the power to send and manipulate HTTP Header Requests like sending P3P privacy headers, Content-Type: UTF-8, Content-Language, etc. The power is immense and you can do some really cool stuff with HTTP Headers!
Htaccess Header Htaccess
Comprehensive .htaccess example file with advanced examples in 1 htaccess sample skeleton .htaccess file with the very best apache htaccess examples... Updated frequently based on detailed info from the Apache htaccess tutorial.
Htaccess Allow AuthUserFile Deny Htaccess Redirect RewriteCond RewriteEngine RewriteRule
Learning about charset's and file types maybe pretty boring, but using .htaccess it can be fun! Here's a quicklist htaccess cheatsheet for adding the correct Charset to a web document.
Htaccess AddCharset AddDefaultCharset AddType FilesMatch ForceType UTF-8
There are a total of 57 HTTP Status Codes recognized by the Apache Web Server. Wouldn't you like to see what all those headers and their output, ErrorDocuments look like?
Htaccess 403 404 500 503 Htaccess mod_rewrite PHP RewriteCond RewriteRule
Say you want to Serve Alternate Content based on Time, but instead of serving based off the current time, you want to serve based off yesterdays time, and using .htaccess mod_rewrite rules?
Htaccess Htaccess mod_rewrite RewriteCond RewriteRule TIME TIME_DAY TIME_MIN TIME_MON TIME_SEC
Some good examples for how to use the Files and FilesMatch directives in .htaccess files and httpd.conf files for Apache.
<FilesMatch ".(htm|html|css|js|php)$">
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
DefaultLanguage en-US
Htaccess FilesMatch
Htaccess php tips and tricks for the Apache HTTPD Web Server, mostly these tips show you how to run customized versions with customized php.ini files, I require custom php.ini files because they are so useful!
Securing Subdirectories using unique apache htaccess solutions.
WordPress uses a file named .htaccess
to rewrite all requests to the main index.php
file. This article explains what the htaccess file rules look like and what they actually do.
Htaccess Htaccess wordpress
If you have a Powweb Webhosting account, you will appreciate this simple skeleton .htaccess file for use on their systems.
Htaccess Htaccess Powweb skeleton
So here's the basic idea: There are 2 sites, a development site and a live site. They are essentially mirrors of each other in terms of they have the same files. You need to disallow all search engine robots from indexing and crawling the development site, while allowing full crawling of your live site. Htaccess to the rescue!
Htaccess Htaccess RewriteRule robots.txt
Control htaccess Basic Authentication with PHP and mod_rewrite Htaccess
If you want to redirect to a different version of a file based on the time, this code is for you! Please read: Serve Alternate Content based on Time
Apache Web Server users have problems getting Apache Authentication/password-protection in htaccess working, this is a troubleshooting guide to get Password Protection working!
I have written more than a few articles detailing how to improve the speed of a website, and due to popular demand, this post will detail all the latest and greatest caching tricks and techniques that I utilize and love. The AskApache Best-Practices.
A lot of commonly used htaccess code snippets for use with the Apache Web Server.
Mod_Security rivals Mod_Rewrite in the amount of features it provides. I decided to go ahead and post what I learned about it today, even though its tough to give away such awesome htaccess and apache tricks.. Learn how to control spam once and for all, conditionally log/deny/allow/redirect requests based on IP, username, etc.. Mod_Security is so fine!
Htaccess Htaccess mod_security security